Thank You!
Thank you for trusting ESA Letters in your mental health journey!
Next steps
Now that you’ve submitted your self-assessment, you’ll be matched with a licensed healthcare professional from your state of residence. They will reach out to you in the next 2-3 business days regarding your ESA letter and other details regarding your personal circumstance. If your LHCP approves your letter, you will receive it within 2 business days of its approval.
Note: If you purchased a plan that included Expedite service, your position in the queue will be elevated and your order will be rushed.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We’re happy to assist you in this journey!
Note: If you have a question and purchased a plan that included Priority Customer Care, please contact the Priority Customer Care team via the special email address included in your email receipt.
Are you interested in participating in a 2 minute ESA mental health survey? Continue here and let your voice be heard!